Why every interiors business needs to be using Facebook custom audiences.

Ever wish you could target the people who’re following you on Instagram? Or maybe you’re seeing lots of abandoned baskets and want to serve those almost customers with an ad on Facebook?

That’s where custom audiences come in – and they should be an integral part of your Meta advertising strategy if you want to see the best results from your ad investment.

Custom audiences consist of individuals who’ve already engaged with your business in some form – by targeting these people with ads, you’re targeting a warm audience who’re therefore much more likely to convert vs. a cold audience.

Of course, different custom audiences will be at different points within the sales funnel dependent on the type of engagement with your business – somebody who’s watched a piece of your video content will be much higher up the funnel than someone who’s abandoned their shopping basket – but the beauty of custom audiences is your ability to retarget these respective customers in different ways.

Let’s dive into four use cases for Facebook custom audiences…

1: Increase the value of your website traffic

You invest plenty of time, effort and money in trying to direct traffic to your website – and without an effective remarketing strategy, a lot of this traffic can be lost. By creating a website traffic custom audience, you can target ads specifically at those who have visited your website within the last 180 days, reminding them of your product or service, and therefore increasing the likelihood of a conversion.

Thanks to the Facebook pixel installed on your website, you can get pretty granular with your targeting based the specific actions people have taken on your site – i.e those who added to basket but didn’t checkout, or those who might’ve visited a specific landing page.

2: Direct people to your website from social media

Using custom audiences to serve ads to those who’ve engaged with you on social media, yet not visited your website is a low-cost way to increase traffic to your website – and pull users further down the funnel.

Again, you can be pretty granular with your targeting here based on the specific actions these people might’ve taken – for example, you can target those who have DM’d your business profile or saved one of your Instagram posts.

Then, once your social community has visited your website, of course they’ll be captured by your Facebook pixel, and you can retarget them as described above.

3: Increase the lifetime value of your customers

Once a customer has made a purchase, you want to encourage repeat purchases, to increase the customer lifetime value. This audience will be your warmest audience to remarket to, and custom audiences once again provides all the necessary tools to do so, with the help of your Facebook pixel.

4: Drive new customer acquisition by creating lookalike audiences

Custom audiences can also be used to drive new customer acquisition thanks to lookalike audiences – an avenue to use one of your source audiences to reach new people that are similar to your existing customers, therefore maximising the likelihood of conversion from cold traffic.

So, what next?

Custom audiences are invaluable in pulling people down your sales tunnel towards conversion, so if you want to achieve the strongest results from your remarketing efforts, you need to be reaching people as soon as they become warm to your business.

If you’d like to chat about how Meta advertising can help you to meet your revenue goals and scale your business, get in touch to book a free, zero obligation call.

Image credit: @claireakennedy


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