Targeting homeowners with Meta advertising: audience segmentation tips.

If your interiors business is targeting homeowners via Meta advertising, effective audience segmentation is crucial to ensure that your ads resonate and drive sales and/or leads.

Here are my top six tips to help you segment your audience and optimise your Meta advertising campaigns:

1. Leverage demographic data

Start by utilising Meta’s robust demographic targeting options. Homeownership often correlates with certain age groups, income levels and life stages. For example, those aged 30-65 are more likely to own home. Additionally, targeting users with higher incomes can help to reach those who are more likely to invest in home-related products and services.

2. Utilise geographic targeting

Of course, homeowners are spread across the UK, but certain regions may have higher concentrations of homeowners. Use Meta’s geographic targeting to focus on specific locations where homeownership rates are higher. This can be particularly effective for local businesses or services catering to homeowners in specific areas.

3. Behavioural targeting

Meta’s behavioural targeting allows you to reach users based on their online activities and behaviours. Look for behaviours that indicate homeownership, such as users who have shown interest in home improvement, gardening or DIY projects. Additionally, targeting users who frequently visit the likes of Rightmove or who engage with home-related content can help you hone in on homeowners.

4. Interest-based targeting

Interests are another powerful way to segment your audience. Homeowners often have specific interests related to their homes, such as interior design, home security or landscaping. By targeting these interests, you can create ads that are more relevant and appealing to homeowners.

5. Custom audiences and lookalike audiences

Custom Audiences allow you to target users who have already interacted with your business, such as past customers or website visitors. This can be particularly effective for reaching homeowners who have shown interest in your products or services. Additionally, lookalike audiences enable you to find new potential customers who share similar characteristics with your existing audience, increasing the likelihood of reaching homeowners.

6. Life events targeting

Meta offers the ability to target users based on life events, such as recently moving or purchasing a home. This is a valuable tool for reaching new homeowners who may be in need of various home-related products and services. Tailoring your ads to address the needs of new homeowners can significantly enhance your campaign’s effectiveness.

So, what next?

Effective audience segmentation is the key to successful Meta advertising campaigns targeting homeowners. By leveraging demographic, geographic, behavioural, and interest-based targeting, as well as utilising custom and lookalike audiences, you can ensure that your ads reach the right people at the right time.

If you’d like to chat about how Meta advertising can help you to meet your revenue goals and scale your business, get in touch to book a free, zero obligation call.

Image credit: @belartestudio


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